We invite you to an adventurous day together with your colleagues!
We will meet at 11:00 in the MAX IV reception. We will start with a quiz walk towards FarmShack BBQ, where we will spend the afternoon.
12:00 - Lunch is served! Big Mamas BBQ
Lunch Platter: Crispy Pork Belly, Coleslaw, pickled red onion, pickled cucumber and home made chili mayo. Served with sweet potato mash.
Vegetarian option Night baked celery, chili roasted beet roots, Coleslaw, pickled red onion, pickled cucumber and home made chili mayo. Served with sweet potato mash.
Please indicate any allergies or if you prefer the vegetarian option in your registration!
13:00 - Pentathlon The crew from Shared Experience will activate us in 5 team challenges and a final.
15:00 - Fika is served! Freshly baked rulltårta and whipped cream. Served with coffee and tea of course!
The MAX day away 12:00-15:30 is mandatory for MAX IV employees. If you can't attend you'll need approval from your group manager!
16:00 - Gathering of the party people who will join the Lund University 350 years anniversary party. We will meet in the dining hall on E4 and we will take bus 20 together to the Lund university festivity. This evening party is not mandatory. To attend Lund university 350 years party you need to do a separate registration.