Tango Workshop @ ICALEPCS 2021



A link will be given by the ICALEPCS organisation before the workshop.
Vincent Hardion (MAXIV Laboratory)

This workshop is a continuation in the series of ICALEPCS workshops on Tango. Tango is a toolkit for building modern distributed control systems in C++, Python, and/or Java. It is destined for people who are new to Tango but also for those who want to get an update on the latest tools in Tango. The workshop provides hands-on exercises and examples which attendees can try during or after the workshop. Attendees will acquire a good understanding of the concepts of Tango and its tools for building an object oriented distributed control system.

The following topics will be presented:

  • The concepts of Tango, how to install it and write a simple device server in Python and a client in a Jupyter Notebook.
  • The Tango virtual machine and the tools in the eco-system of Tango.
  • Running a Tango system entirely with containers.
  • Tango HDB++ as a high performance control system archiver.
  • Write web applications for Tango using Taranta and Waltz.
  • Identify the pattern when designing a Control System
  • Running a data acquisition system.

A large part of this workshop will allow open discussion between the attendees.

This workshop is only open to any ICALEPCS 2021 delegates. Please refers to the ICALEPCS website for the registration

This indico pages informs about the detail agenda of the Tango workshop and help the speakers to upload their materials.

    • Welcome: Presentation of the agenda
      Convener: Vincent Hardion (MAXIV Laboratory)
    • Session 1: Tango Core and kickstarter
      Convener: Guifré Cuní (ALBA Synchrotron)
      • 1
        Tango Concept and update
        Speaker: Reynald Bourtembourg (ESRF)
      • 2
        Installation of Tango
        Speaker: Benjamin Bertrand
      • 3
        Hands-on: Install Party
        Speakers: Piotr Goryl, Lukasz Zytniak
      • 4
        Hands-on: Kubernetes@SKA

        For the development of SKA devices the TANGO-framework has been packaged into a set of container used in order to deploy it with kubernetes as container orchestration.
        In the present talk, the devopment workflow for a generic device will be demonstrated in the context of kubernetes.

        To follow the talk and make the examples work, it is recommended to follow those steps before the presentation: https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/ska-tango-examples#installation

        Speaker: Matteo Di Carlo (INAF)
      • 5
        Hands-on: a Python server & client example

        In this hands-on session a simple Tango server will be written in Python with a client written in a Jupyter notebook.

        Speakers: Anton Joubert (SARAO), Nicolas Leclercq (ESRF)
    • 3:05 PM
      Virtual FIKA
    • Session 2: Tango Tools

      Tango Tools

      Convener: Nicolas Leclercq (ESRF)
      • 6
        Speaker: Lorenzo Pivetta (Elettra)
      • 7

        Some demo of Sardana will be shown during the presentation. you just need to install Sardana using conda if you are interested to repeat them on your PC:

        Speaker: Zbigniew Reszela (Alba)
      • 8
        Hands-on: Taranta
        Speaker: Yimeng Li
      • 9
        Hands-on: Waltz
        Speakers: Igor Khokhriakov (Hereon), Olga Merkulova (ik-company.com)
      • 10
        Common pattern and anti-pattern
        Speaker: Andy Gotz (ESRF)
    • 4:15 PM
      Break 2
    • Open Space Session: Profit of the Tango experience

      The Tango workshop won’t cover all the questions that you would like to ask, especially within the tight schedule of the virtual format. The open space technology is the best opportunity to bring those subjects which need an extensive discussion. Feel free to ask on any subject whatever you are newcomers or experts.

      Convener: Vincent Hardion (MAXIV Laboratory)
      • 11

        The Open Space session will follow this plan:
        1. A brief introduction to open space will be given.
        2. Participants will spend 2 minutes thinking through if they have any burning issues they’d like to raise.
        3. A schedule will be presented with different breakout rooms for each subjects.
        4. The question are presented by their respective authors for 15 min.
        5. At the end a collective summary will be given to the main virtual room.

        The open session will finish with a second slot of 15 min if the time allows.

        Few rules define an open space discussions, here the most important:
        * The subjects are discussed in a constructive manner to keep a trusted environment.
        * The question are presented by their respective authors for 15 mn. They cannot switch room.
        * As participant you are welcome to switch room whenever you want. If at any time during your time here you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two hand, and go somewhere else.

        Open Space Technology (OST) is a method for organizing and running a meeting where participants are invited to focus on a specific, important task or purpose. The actual agenda-schedule of topics discussion is partly or mostly unknown until people begin arriving.

        Speaker: Vincent Hardion (MAXIV Laboratory)
      • 12
        1st Slot
      • 13
        Summary 1st slot
      • 14
        2nd slot
      • 15
        Summary 2nd slot
    • Closing session: and enjoy the rest of the conference
      Convener: Vincent Hardion (MAXIV Laboratory)