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25-27 October 2021
Scandic Star Hotel, Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

33rd MAX IV User Meeting 2021
- MAX IV in Focus -

MAX IV and FASM warmly invite the MAX IV user communities and new interested persons or collectives to participate at the 33rd MAX IV User Meeting 2021.

The 33rd MAX IV User Meeting – MAX IV in Focus – will host several sessions and satellite workshops covering users research at MAX IV and scientific opportunities including new beamlines or other major instrument proposals.

The User Meeting  is being organised while MAX IV is developing its 2023-2030  science strategy. It is important that the user community takes part in both activities and it’s also important that this on-going process is as inclusive and transparent as possible. In practice for the User meeting this implies that your input and feedback is essential and the contributions submission forms are tailored using the current understanding of the strategy draft.

Please note that if you register on-site you do not have to register for the online option since you will get the links to participate online as well.

How can I get involved?

Call for abstracts. Now only from invited speakers.

The open abstract submission closed on 3rd September.
The contributions are now being reviewed by the sessions organisers. 
The submitting authors will all be informed, the latest, by the begging of October.

Thank you all for your contributions to the 33rd MAX IV User meeting -MAX IV in Focus -  


Abstract submission was open to everyone interested. This included students and PhDs who, in addition, were also kindly encouraged to participate on the  MAX IV awards competitions.

Here there is an overview on the various ways to get involved: 

Separate forms are available for each type of participation.

All of them are equally essential but we want to bring your attention to the most unusual one: Your input will help to refine the User Meeting program“. Through that form you can let us know your ideas, question, concerns, research needs, or anything else you would like from MAX IV. We’ll do out best to integrated your expressed interest on the User Meeting program. 

Relevant information and further details are included on the left-hand side menu, linked to meeting website, and through the different form templates that you can submit. 

Registration forms

  1. Your input will help to refine the User Meeting program. (CLOSED 3rd September) 
  2. Students science awards (CLOSED 6th September)
  3. PhD Thesis award (CLOSED 6th September)
  4. Sponsors and exhibitors (Registration opens: September 2021)
  5. Attendee at the Scandic hotel venue (Registration opens: September 2021)
  6. Virtual participants (Relevant information to be announced before the virtual event)

The why and what of the registration forms template.

If you will like to know more details, please have look to the page About the 2021 MAX IV User Meeting. This page covers from the overall purpose and scope of the meeting to the why and what details of its implementation: from helping us to organize the meeting program to bringing light to the interconnected landscape of disciplines and techniques within the current and future MAX IV user community while providing insight into the impact and connection of MAXIV and society.

Scandic Star Hotel, Lund
Glimmervägen 5, 224 78 Lund

For online participation see main menu.