October 4, 2022
Scandic Star, Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone


12.00-13.00 Welcome & Lunch

13.00-15.00 General meeting with scientific presentations

13.00-13.10 The Swedish Research council and ESS (Johan Holmberg)

13.10-13.20 The SAGA GISANS instrument Update (Sebastian Köhler)

13.20-13.30 HIBEAM Update (Valentina Santoro)

13.30-13.55 Grazing incidence experiments and technical developments using neutrons (Henrich Frielinghaus)

13.55-14.20 GISANS at a Short Pulse Source (ISIS TS2) (Sarah Rodgers)

14.20-14.45 Polarized GISANS to characterize hard matter (Annika Stellhorn)

14.45-15.00 Coffee

15.00-17.00 Technical meeting focusing on the work packages of the SAGA proposal with technical discussions.

15.00-16.00 Conceptual and technical design (WP1 & WP2)

16.00-16.30 Coordination and engagement (WP4)

16.30-17.00 Action plan, future work and joint activities with HIBEAM