October 4, 2022
Scandic Star, Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

How do I get from Lund C to Scandic Star

To go from Lund Central station to Scandic Star by bus you can choose between:

Yellow Regional bus no 160 or SkåneExpressen 5

Green City bus no 3

The ride takes 11-13 minutes and a one way ticket cost 28 SEK.

See Skånetrafiken for timetables

You can buy the ticket in Skånetrafiken app, or in the ticket machines at Lund C before you start your trip. For information on card payment on the bus:  https://www.skanetrafiken.se/biljetter/kop-biljett-utan-app/ (in the upper right corner you find a globe with the text Translate).