16-20 June 2024
Clarion Hotel Sea U, Helsingborg
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Sub-hour 3D ptychography at I13-1: Coherence, Diamond Light Source

18 Jun 2024, 11:55
Clarion Hotel Sea U, Helsingborg

Clarion Hotel Sea U, Helsingborg


Darren Batey


X-ray ptychographic tomography is now routinely used at synchrotron facilities around the world, producing nanoscale resolutions in 3D. However, the acquisition times still lag significantly behind other imaging methods. As many synchrotrons upgrade to diffraction limited rings, the community is being presented with a dramatic increase in the coherent flux available. However, translating that increase in flux into increased scientific throughput remains a challenge.

The latest advances in high-speed ptychography at I13-1: Coherence of the Diamond Light Source have combined a novel acquisition scheme with the latest detector technologies to achieve a ptychography collection rate of over 100 kHz. This is providing sub-second projections and sub-hour 3D ptychographic tomography. We present the latest technical developments as well as their applications in the fields of battery materials and brain imaging.

Primary author

Darren Batey


silvia cipiccia (University College London) Dr Max Burian (Dectris Ltd.) Dr Silvia Vogel (Dectris Ltd.) Dr Michela Fratini (CNR-Nanotec) Ms Ecem Erin (UCL)

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