Jun 16 – 20, 2024
Clarion Hotel Sea U, Helsingborg
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Tutorials on phase retrieval

Registration is now closed!



Coherent diffraction signal from a strained flake of Ca2RuO4, with device made at the University of Konstanz from Ca2RuO4 grown at CNR-Spin in Salerno. Measurement performed at NanoMax.

Courtesy of D. Carbone, A. Guarino, R. Hartmann,
A. Di Bernardo, A. Vecchione, R.Fittipaldi

We are pleased to offer a one-day workshop with hands-on training on PtyPy, PyNX and PyPhase, three open-source software packages for phase retrieval of coherent X-ray data, applied to diverse methods: Ptychography, Phase Contrast and Coherent Diffraction Imaging.

This event is organized in collaboration and with the support of LINXS

When: Sunday 16 June, 2024, 10–16.
Where: at LINXS (Scheelevägen 19, Lund), Workshop room on the 5th floor

A Bus will bring the workshop participants to the Conference venue in Helsingborg.

Participants who arrive in Helsingborg before June 16th can easily reach LINXS premises by:

     1. Taking a train from Helsingborg station to Lund C
     2. Taking the Tram (N1) to Lund Ideontorget (station)