16-20 June 2024
Clarion Hotel Sea U, Helsingborg
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Coexisting Multi-Timescale Fluctuations at the Chiral Nematic Phase Boundary in Amorphous FeGe

Not scheduled
Clarion Hotel Sea U, Helsingborg

Clarion Hotel Sea U, Helsingborg


Ryan Tumbleson (University of California - Santa Cruz)


Spatiotemporal correlations stabilize exotic phases of quantum materials. Here I present recent results from resonant soft coherent scattering experiments on the Smectic-like to Nematic-like phase transition in amorphous $\rm Fe_{51}Ge_{49}$. By combining synchrotron measurements from the Advanced Light Source and free electron laser measurements from the Linearly Coherent Light Source, we have found a region of instability as a precursor to the Nematic-like phase where fluctuations coexist on the timescale of both minutes and sub-nanoseconds. These results emphasize the general nature of multi-step and multi-time scale topological phase transitions and are likely applicable to a broad class of materials and phenomena.

Primary author

Ryan Tumbleson (University of California - Santa Cruz)


Dr Sophie Morley (Advanced Light Source, LBNL) Emily Hollingworth (University of California, Berkeley) Dr Arnab Singh (Materials Science Division, LBNL) Dr Temuujin Bayaraa (Materials Science Division, LBNL) Dr Nicolas Burdet (SLAC National National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Ahmad Us Saleheen (Advanced Light Source, LBNL) Dr Margaret McCarter (Advanced Light Source, LBNL) David Raftrey (Univeristy of California, Santa Cruz) Ronald Pandolfi (Computing Research Division, LBNL) Dr Vincent Esposito (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Georgi Dakovski (SLAC National National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Franz-Josef Decker (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Alexander Reid (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Tadesse Assefa (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Peter Fischer (Materials Science Division, LBNL) Dr Sinead Griffin (Molecular Foundry, LBNL) Dr Stephen Kevan (Advanced Light Source, LBNL) Prof. Frances Hellman (University of California, Berkeley) Dr Joshua Turner (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Sujoy Roy (Advanced Light Source, LBNL)

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