Coherence 2024

from Sunday, 16 June 2024 (15:00) to Thursday, 20 June 2024 (15:00)
Clarion Hotel Sea U, Helsingborg

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
17 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024
19 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024
X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (until 10:35) ()
08:45 --- Welcome ---
09:00 Chair - Paul Fuoss (LCLS, SLAC)   ()
09:05 Reaching the Yield Point of a Glass During X-Ray Irradiation - Giulio Monaco (University of Padova)   ()
09:35 Probing protein dynamics using XPCS despite radiation damage. - Dr Yuriy Chushkin (ESRF, The European Synchrotron, 71 Avenue des Martyrs, CS40220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex 9, France)   ()
09:55 Spatio-temporal scaling laws in a heated egg yolk - Nimmi Das Anthuparambil (University of Siegen)   ()
10:15 Anomalous Protein Diffusion and Solvent-mediated interactions in Crowded Solutions with Coherent X-Ray Scattering Using XFELs - Anita Girelli (Stockholm University)   ()
10:35 --- Coffee ---
Ptychography at different wavelengths - S1 (until 12:15) ()
11:00 Chair - Cameron Kewish (ANSTO)   ()
11:05 Recent advances of Bragg ptychography and perspectives at 4th generation synchrotron - Virginie Chamard (CNRS - Aix Marseille Université)   ()
11:35 Single-shot ptychography at free-electron laser - Dr Konstantin Kharitonov (EuXFEL)   ()
11:55 High resolution spin texture imaging in spin caloritronics prototype device structures: New opportunities for coherent hard X-rays with resonant scattering at 4th generation light sources. - Dr Danny Mannix (European Spallation Source)   ()
Coherent Diffraction Imaging with X-rays (until 10:35) ()
09:00 Chair - Filipe Maia (Uppsala University)   ()
09:05 Ultrafast Polaronic Lattice Distortions using Time-resolved Coherent Diffraction Imaging - Hyunjung Kim (Sogang University)   ()
09:35 Structured probes for BCDI: Toward the imaging of dynamic and distorted crystals - Irene Calvo (University of Zaragoza (Spain))   ()
09:55 Time-resolved Bragg coherent diffraction imaging of Pd nanoparticles during in situ acetylene hydrogenation - Dr Michael Grimes (CEA Grenoble)   ()
10:15 Single-Shot Imaging and Phase Retrieval of Void-Shockwave Dynamics in Extreme Conditions - Daniel S. Hodge (Brigham Young University (BYU))   ()
10:35 --- Coffee break ---
Instrumentation and method development - S1 (until 12:25) ()
11:00 Chair   ()
11:05 Harnessing coherence in femtosecond fluorescence for photon diagnostics and future X-ray sources - Ichiro Inoue (RIKEN SPring-8 Center)   ()
11:35 Coupling X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy and dynamic coherent X-ray diffraction imaging using triangular aperture - Mr Shuntaro Takazawa (SRIS, Tohoku University)   ()
11:55 Sub-hour 3D ptychography at I13-1: Coherence, Diamond Light Source - Darren Batey   ()
12:10 Development of 5.04 Mpixel CITIUS detector for high-resolution ptychography - Takaki Hatsui (RIKEN SPring-8 Center, RIKEN)   ()
XPCS and Polarised beams (until 10:35) ()
09:00 Chair - Sujoy Roy (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)   ()
09:05 Exploiting the coherence of synchrotron soft x-rays to study the dynamics of quantum matter - Dr Sophie Morley (Advanced Light Source, LBNL)   ()
09:35 Insights to Collective Skyrmion Lattice Dynamics from Coherent Soft X-ray REXS - Andi Barbour (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   ()
09:55 High-Speed XPCS Studies of Critical Fluctuations in Liquids - Gregory Brian Stephenson (Argonne National Laboratory)   ()
10:15 Role of nanoscale heterogeneties on the metal to insulator transition in rare earth nickelates - Dr Nanna Zhou Hagström (University of California, Davis)   ()
10:35 --- cofee ---
Ptychography at different wavelengths - S2 (until 12:35) ()
11:00 Chair - stig helveg (DTU Physics)   ()
11:05 Electron Ptychography: An Emerging Imaging Technology for Physical and Biological Sciences - Peng Wang (Department of Physics, University of Warwick)   ()
11:35 Vibration-Corrected Electron Ptychography - Anton Gladyshev (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)   ()
11:55 Using Tilted Multislice Electron Ptychography to Retrieve 3D Atomic Coordinates in 2D Materials - Mr Jeffrey Huang (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)   ()
12:15 Near-field X-ray ptychography using a laser driven X-ray source - Dr Luca Fardin (University College London)   ()
Coherent Diffraction Imaging with electrons (until 10:15) ()
09:00 Chair - Dr Joerg Jinschek (National Center for Nano Fabrication and Characterization, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark)   ()
09:05 Self-coherence and the wave/particle duality of electrons - Christian Kisielowski (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)   ()
09:35 Organic Crystals – TEM Imaging and Techniques Developed for Elucidating Polymorphism and Crystallization - Dr Idan Biran (Center for Visualizing Catalytic Processes (VISION), Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark )   ()
09:55 Electron Holography: A Technique for Phase Plate Optimization - Marcus Hufe (DTU Nanolab)   ()
10:15 --- coffee ---
Ptychography at different wavelengths - S3 (until 12:40) ()
10:45 Chair - Manuel Guizar-Sicairos (PSI/EPFL)   ()
10:50 Vectorial ptychography: when polarization comes into play - Patrick Ferrand (Aix-Marseille université, Marseille)   ()
11:20 Towards ptycho(tomo)graphy with a hyperspectral detector - Mr Wiebe Stolp (Ghent University)   ()
11:40 Imaging extended single crystal lattice distortion fields with multi-peak Bragg ptychography - Dr Stephan Hruszkewycz (4MATERIALS SCIENCE DIVISION, ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, LEMONT, IL 60439, (USA))   ()
12:00 Quantitative Imaging of Nanophotonic Structures in Butterfly Scales using X-ray Ptychography - Dr Benedikt Daurer (Diamond Light Source)   ()
12:20 Coherent Surface Scattering Imaging with Nanometer Resolution for 3D Mesoscale Structures at Surfaces and Interfaces - Dr Peco Myint (Argonne National Laborartory)   ()
12:15 --- Lunch ---
XPCS, polarised and chiral beams (until 15:35) ()
14:00 Chair - Ian McNulty (LINXS/SLJUS)   ()
14:05 Magnetic spectroscopy and imaging with x-rays carrying orbital angular momentum - Maurizio Sacchi (CNRS - INSP and Synchrotron SOLEIL)   ()
14:35 Coherent Correlation Imaging for resolving fluctuating states of matter - Christopher Klose (Max Born Institute Berlin)   ()
14:55 Probing thermally activated dynamics in Artificial Spin Ices with coherent X-rays - Oier Bikondoa (Department of Physics - University of Warwick (UK) & XMaS UK CRG Beamline at the ESRF)   ()
15:15 Piezoelectric response in PMN relaxor ferroelectric probed by in-situ wide-angle X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy - Carol Thompson (Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory / Department of Physics, Northern Illinois University)   ()
15:35 --- cofee ---
Instrumentation and method development - S1 (until 17:20) ()
16:00 Chair - Garth Williams (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   ()
16:05 Photon correlation measurements using a MHz repetition rate X-ray free-electron laser - Anders Madsen   ()
16:20 Rapid scanning ptychography with 3D real-time position registration at HXN beamline - Zirui Gao (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   ()
16:35 Exploring memory effects in Quantum Materials - Daniel Perez-Salinas (ALBA Synchrotron)   ()
16:50 Unlocking the potential of ptychographic imaging with upgraded coherent sources - Junjing Deng (Argonne National Laboratory)   ()
17:05 Next Generation Detectors for High-Resolution Experiments with High-Energy Coherent Synchrotron Radiation - Dr Max Burian (Dectris Ltd.)   ()
Poster Session 1 (until 19:00) ()
12:25 --- Lunch Break ---
14:00 --- Free Time ---
12:35 --- Lunch ---
Novel microscopies (until 15:35) ()
14:00 Chair - Prof. Yukio Takahashi (SRIS, Tohoku University)   ()
14:05 Intrinsic speckle-tracking for rapid retrieval of a sample’s attenuation, phase shift, and diffusive dark-field images - Samantha Alloo (School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. School of Physics and Astronomy, Monash University, Victoria, Australia.)   ()
14:35 Multibeam Ptychography up to 20keV: Opportunities and Challenges - Tang Li (Center for X-ray and Nano Science CXNS, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)   ()
14:55 Incoherent diffractive imaging with spectral dispersion for oxidation-state sensitive structure determination - Tamme Wollweber (MPSD)   ()
15:15 High-throughput hard X-ray projection imaging with a sub-5 nm resolution - Mauro Prasciolu (CFEL DESY) Dmitry Egorov Margarita Zakharova (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY) Jan Lukas Dresselhaus (CUI FS-ML) Dr Holger Fleckenstein (DESY) Tang Li (DESY) Wenhui Zhang (DESY)   ()
15:35 --- coffe ---
Numerical methods (until 17:05) ()
16:00 Chair - Dr Kartik Ayyer (MPSD)   ()
16:05 Deep Gauss-Newton method for phase retrieval - Kannara Mom   ()
16:20 Deep learning 3D dynamical (4D) reconstructions from sparse projections - Yuhe Zhang (Lund University)   ()
16:35 Deep Learning and innovative experimental setup accelerate Ptychographic X-ray Computed Tomography for characterizing heterogeneous materials - Dr Julio da Silva (CNRS Institut NÉEL)   ()
16:50 Algorithmic and computational advances in holotomography - Viktor Nikitin (Argonne National Laboratory)   ()
Posters Session 2 (until 18:40) ()
19:00 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:40 --- Lunch ---
14:00 --- Conference Closure ---