12–16 Aug 2024
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Fee & Payment information

XRM2024 - Overview of Fees

  Before 15 June On/after 15 June
Regular Participant 5 525 SEK (€ 490) 6 655 SEK (€590)
Student/Dev. Nations* 3 270 SEK (€ 290) 4 400 SEK (€390)
Conference dinner  735 SEK (€ 65)  735 SEK (€ 65)
Workshop 257 SEK (€ 22) 257 SEK (€ 22)
Excursion Vikings paid latest by 4 Aug: 299 SEK (€ 26)
Excursion Beer paid latest by 4 Aug:  650 SEK (€ 57)



Payments had to be with us latest 4th of August!

Sorry, we're closed now.



You cannot pay at the registration desk at the venue.

For questions about payments, please contact Åsa Nilsson (asa.nilsson@maxiv.lu.se)