Schematic program (will be updated):
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Julia Parker, Diamond Lightsource, UK
Julia is Science Group Leader for Imaging and a Beamline Scientist for the hard X-ray nanoprobe,I14. As such, she represents a whole suite of beamlines and techniques. In her science pursuits, she studies the process of biomineralisation, using synchrotron techniques to unveil details of the structure of calcium carbonates formed by organisms such as shells and studying the crystallisation and formation pathways of calcium carbonates in the presence of additives
- Lorella Pascolo, IRCCS materno infantile Burlo Garofolo, Trieste
Research interest: applying advanced microscopy and spectroscopy techniques (especially with synchrotron light) as a support to basic and clinical research in reproductive toxicology, fertility preservation and iron metabolism or environmental related reproductive disorders.
- Kunal Sharma, Biomechanics, Lund University
How do tendons, cartilage and bones react under load and stress from injuries or diseases? This is the red thread in the research of Kunal Sharma, as part of Prof. Hanna Isaksson's group. Kunal himself has worked with XRF and tomography to tackle the repair process in ruptured tendons,at different length scales ranging from the nano-scale up to the organ level. .
- Emmanuel Farhi, Synchrotron Soleil, Paris
Head of the Data reduction and Analysis group at Synchrotron Soleil, which aims to assist beamlines in using and developing software for their needs.Background in neutron spectrometry, neural networks and computer simulations.
- Emanuel Larsson, Lund university
Coordinator for CIPA (Correlative Image Processing and Analysis), Node Coordinator for InfraVis (National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization) and as a Cross Border Infrastructure Ambassador for HALRIC (Hanseatic Life Science Research Infrastructure Consortium). Tomography enthusiast.
- Keyron Hickman Lewis, Birkbeck, Univ. of London
Earth Scientist interested in the early history of life & earth. Particular interests are in the application of advanced analytical techniques to major questions in microbial palaeontology, biogeochemistry, early surface environments and ecosystems, including Mars.
The workshop will gather ideas and opportunities in the context of multimodal and multispectral microscopy performed at or connected to European synchrotrons and will primarily focus on the involvement of facility staff working with the users. Synchrotron scientists have a central role in understanding and shaping future developments, addressing user community needs, and creating sustainable communication channels for successful collaboration between facilities and experts from academia (and industry).
Participants are invited to actively contribute to the programme of the event by submitting abstracts for a poster in one of three topics:
- Enabling peripheries: sample prep., complementary methods, joint BL initiatives.
- All things data: management, analysis & interpretation, automatization
- Multimodal & multispectral research: good examples of multi-microscopy research
A limited number of abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation (15+5 min). The selected talks will be included in the programme. Besides presentations, we will create discussion sessions around focused topics to gather concrete ideas for continuing collaboration on multimodal/spectral imaging methods.
The LEAPS-INNOV workshop on Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Microscopy is preceded by a partner event from LINXS on the 8th of January: the kick off meeting for the AIDA theme (Advanced Imaging & Data Analysis). LINXS is an advanced study institute whose mission is to promote science and education focusing on the use of neutrons and X-rays, to attract world-leading scientists for short-term focused research visits, and to create international networks. More information can be found on their webpage