Jan 9 – 10, 2025
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Venue: Fernströmsalen @BMC, Sölvegatan 19, Lund, Sweden

Programme overview

Program with talk-topics:

Confirmed invited speakers:

  • Julia Parker, Diamond Light Source, UK

Julia is Science Group Leader for Imaging and Microscopy and a Beamline Scientist for the hard X-ray nanoprobe, I14. 

  • Chithra Karunakaran, Canadian Light Source Inc., Canada

Chithra is director for Science & Innovation at the CLS and has background in Environmental Science & Agriculture, and STXM. 

  • Keyron Hickman Lewis, Birkbeck, Univ. of London, UK

Keyron is an Earth Scientist interested in the early history of life & earth. He pursues the major questions in microbial palaeontology, biogeochemistry, early surface environments and ecosystems, including Mars.

  • Lorella Pascolo, IRCCS materno infantile Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy

Lorella is an advanced user of microscopy and spectroscopy techniques for studying reproductive toxicology, fertility preservation and reproductive disorders.

  • Kunal Sharma, Biomechanics, Lund University, Sweden

Kunal has worked with XRF and tomography to tackle the repair process in ruptured tendons, ranging from the nano-scale up to the organ level.

  • Laurent Tranchant, Synchrotron Soleil, Paris, France

Laurent is a beamline scientist at the dedicated cultural heritage beamline PUMA at the SOLEIL synchrotron.

  • Emmanuel Farhi, Synchrotron Soleil, Paris, France

Emmanuel is Head of the Data reduction and Analysis group at Synchrotron Soleil, which aims to assist beamlines in using and developing software for their needs.

  • Emanuel Larsson, Lund university, Sweden

Emanuel works with several joint data initiatives - CIPA (Correlative Image Processing & Analysis), InfraVis (National Research Infrastructure for Data Visualization) and HALRIC.

  • Ana Pérez-Berná, Alba Synchrotron. Barcelona, Spain

Ana is a beamline scientist at the soft x-ray MISTRAL beamline in ALBA, performing cryo-nanotomography.

  • Trevor Forsyth, Lund University & LINXS, Sweden

Trevor is a professor in molecular biophysics and the director of the successful LINXS institute, whose mission it is to promote science and education focusing on the use of neutrons & x-rays, and stimulate international networking.

  • Aymeric Robert, MAX IV Laboratory, Sweden

Aymeric represents MAX IV in the LEAPS world. With his background as scientific director and beamline scientist at various x-ray facilities he has obtained a broad view of the landscape of EU- and other funding.


Our selected contributed speakers are:

Valérie Briois (Synchrotron SOLEIL), Ben Watts (PSI, Swiss Light Source) and Joachim Schulz (European XFEL)


The LEAPS-INNOV workshop on Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Microscopy is preceded by a partner event from LINXS on the 8th of January: the kick off meeting for the AIDA theme (Advanced Imaging & Data Analysis). LINXS is an advanced study institute whose mission is to promote science and education focusing on the use of neutrons and X-rays, to attract world-leading scientists for short-term focused research visits, and to create international networks. More information can be found on the kickoff page and on the general LINXS pages: AIDA-kickoff and www.linxs.se