Jan 9 – 10, 2025
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Venue: Fernströmsalen @BMC, Sölvegatan 19, Lund, Sweden

Travel & Accommodation

Travel and accommodation are at own cost of the participants



The meeting venue is Fernströmsalen, at BMC, Sölvegatan 19, Lund, Sweden. 

In the spirit of sustainability and minimising travel climate impact, please use the train network as much as possible. Trains to Lund connect via Copenhagen to Hamburg. The nearest International Airport is Copenhagen.

  • From Copenhagen Central Station / CPH Airport it takes 55 / 40 minutes, respectively, by train to Lund
  • From Lund Central train station it takes 5 min by bus (line 7, get off at Fysiologen), or 20 min on foot to BMC



From Lund Central Station, you can take bus nr 7, towards 'Östra Torn', and get off at 'Fysiologen', right outside BMC (orange line on map below). The tram is indicated in light purple on the map and the nearest stop to the venue is Lund - LTH.

The trips take around 5 minutes and costs 31 SEK for an hour/62 SEK for a 24hr ticket - these are valid on any Lund City bus or tram. You can pay by (credit) card on the bus/tram for a 1 hour ticket. If you buy a second 1 hour ticket within 24 hour on the same card, it will automatically be converted to a 24hr ticket. By downloading the Skånetrafiken App you can choose the type of tickets yourself, and also pay for a combined Lund bus/tram + train from/to Copenhagen ticket (i.e. you get the bus or tram for free).

The nr 7 bus in the opposite direction should have 'Klostergården' on the front. This one also connects the University Guesthouse (see below) to Fysiologen/BMC.


We have indicated the BMC building (blue, inverted teardrop), with a 15 min walking area around it, and on the map below you can find hotels that are close to the venue and/or close to the city centre or train station. with price indications (not specifically for the conference dates).

Another nearby accommodation is the university guesthouse (located next to the supermarket "ICA Kvantum Malmborgs Tuna", see map).