Jan 9 – 10, 2025
Europe/Stockholm timezone
Venue: Fernströmsalen @BMC, Sölvegatan 19, Lund, Sweden

Call for Abstracts

Participants are invited to actively contribute to the programme of the event by submitting abstracts for a Poster in one of three topics:

Enabling peripheries;

All things data;

Multimodal & Multispectral research


DEADLINE for registration and Poster abstract submission is DEC 26 2024, 00:00


DOWNLOAD the Abstract template on the main page (at bottom)


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: via your Registration form.


a QUESTIONNAIRE can also be found on the main page - attach to your Registration or Email us


The submissions for Posters will be reviewed continuously by the Program Committee. A small number of submitters will be contacted directly (latest 20th of December) if they are selected for an oral presentation. These contributed presentations are 15 min, followed by 5 min for questions. Please be aware all abstracts will be included in a Book of Abstracts and made available to all meeting participants, they should contain openly shareable information.



  • Abstracts addressing this section should focus on topics showcasing the added value of a combined approach via eg. user sample preparation help for microscopy methods; auxiliary methods (eg. AFM, TEM, optical microscopies, etc.), offered in combination with synchrotron microscopy; other joint initiatives between beamlines/synchrotrons or beamlines and off-site facilities. We welcome other suggestions not listed here that might be considered relevant in this topic.


  • Abstracts addressing this section should focus on topics like harmonizing data formats across techniques; data analysis software suites for multiple techniques; help with (multimodal) data visualization; measurement & data processing pipeline & automatization, visualization, etc.


  • Abstracts addressing this section should focus on showcasing successful combinations of multiple microscopy techniques in addressing a scientific research question. Attention should also be paid to the different factors that helped/hindered the success and the choice of microscopies/other methods needed to address the science.