5-6 December 2017
Scandic Star Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Small-angle scattering study on the lecithin stabilizer layer structure in tetracosane-water nanoemulsions and -suspensions

Not scheduled
Brainstorm (Scandic Star Lund)


Scandic Star Lund

Glimmervägen 5 Lund


Mr Martin Schmiele (University of Copenhagen)


The interfacial stabilizer layer in lipid emulsions and suspensions controls the lipid oxidation of encapsulated bioactive compounds and the crystallization of the nanoemulsions. As a model system tetracosane (C24 alkane, TCS) nanodispersions stabilized by the lecithin 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero- 3-phosphocholine (DMPC) was considered here. The emulsion droplets (about 65 nm in diameter, as measured by photon correlation spectroscopy) exhibit a strong super-cooling (ΔT about 20 K) and crystallize in an for TCS unusual orthorhombic crystal structure (space group Pca21 as verified by wide-angle x-ray scattering).

Primary author

Mr Martin Schmiele (University of Copenhagen)

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