Sep 21 – 23, 2015
UTC timezone

Best Thesis Award and Best Student Poster Award

Since 2013, MAX IV Laboratory presents the MAX IV Best Thesis Award to the best doctoral thesis based fully or partially on research performed at MAX IV Laboratory. This year, PhD theses presented after January 2013 are eligible for the award.
The MAX IV Best Thesis Award 2015 will be announced at the User Meeting, September 21-23, 2015 in Lund. The winner of the award will be given an opportunity to present the thesis work verbally at the Users Meeting.  
Applicants should send their thesis and an appraisal letter from their supervising professor before August 20 to Tomas Lundqvist, Life-Science Director and Jesper Andersen, Physical Science Director.

We will also present an award, sponsored by SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH, for the Best Student Poster based on research done at the MAX IV Laboratory. The winner of this award will also be given an opportunity to give an oral presentation at the User Meeting.