22–24 May 2019
Kulturen & MAX IV
Europe/Stockholm timezone

10th International Workshop on

Radiation Safety at Synchrotron Radiation Sources


The Tenth International Workshop on Radiation Safety at Synchrotron Radiation Sources (RadSynch19) is being organized at Kulturen and at  MAX IV Laboratory, Lund, Sweden on May 22-24, 2019. This is the tenth conference in this series. The previous conferences were held at APS (2001), ESRF (2002), Spring8 (2004), CLS (2007), Elettra (2009), PAL (2011),   NSLS (2013), DESY (2015) and    NSRRC (2017).



Presently there are nearly 40 operating synchrotron radiation sources in the world with a large scientific user community. There are also several more synchrotron radiation sources in different stages of design, construction and commissioning. These workshops established a forum where the experts of radiation safety at the synchrotron radiation sources can meet and discuss the specific radiation safety and protection issues of the facilities. This kind of dialogue immensely benefits the design, operation and upgrade of the present and future synchrotron radiation facilities and beamlines.


  • To bring together the radiation physicists and radiation safety professionals of the synchrotron radiation facilities around the world in one forum;
  • To promote the exchange of scientific information mutually beneficial for the design and operation of these facilities;
  • To identify areas of improvements in radiation measurements and shielding calculation methodology for the present and future synchrotron radiation sources;
  • To plan and initiate specific collaborative efforts in radiation physics between these facilities.


Attendees are invited to present a talk on the following topics pertaining to accelerators and beam lines of synchrotron radiation sources.

  • Facility reports on new design, upgrade and commissioning
  • Operational experience and lesson learned
  • Radiation safety design and assessment
  • Radiation detector and measurements to evaluate shielding design
  • Interlock system and radiation protection for top-up operation
  • Activation and decommissioning
  • Radiation safety issues for FEL and next generation facilities
  • Safety protection against high power laser used in FEL and synchrotron facilities



Kulturen & MAX IV
Auditorium at Kulturen museum, MAX III at MAX IV
Kulturen museum: Tegnérsplatsen 6, Lund, Sweden MAX IV Laboratory: Fotongatan 2, Lund, Sweden

Deadline for abstract submission: April 5, 2019  ext. to April 19, 2019

Registration deadline: April 11, 2019  ext. to April 25, 2019

Early registration and reception, with tour at MAX IV, will start on Tuesday, May 21 at 16:00 at MAX IV.


Katarina Norén, e-mail: katarina.noren@maxiv.lu.se, phone: 00 46 70 932 34 23


Organizing Committee

Stuart Ansell

Magnus Hörling

Jimmy Malmqvist

Katarina Norén

Johanna Paulsson

Josefin Reftlér

Helena Ullman


Scientific Committee

Yoshihiro Asano (NewSUBARU)

Paul Berkvens (ESRF)

Sayed Rokni (SLAC)

Anders Rosborg (MAX IV)