22–24 May 2019
Kulturen & MAX IV
Europe/Stockholm timezone



May 22, MAX IV


08:35-09:00  Registration

09:00-09:15  Welcome


Facility reports                                                       chairs: Hee-Seock Lee / Eric Boyd


09:15-09:40  Overview of the MAX IV facility -- Rosborg Anders; MAX IV

09:40-10:05  Radiation measurement during operation of SESAME -- Mosa Hamad Adli; SESAME

10:05-10:30  Radiation Dose Assessment and Monitor Practice at the Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS) -- Yang Ping; SSLS

10:30-10:55  Radiation levels around SOLARIS 1.5 GeV storage ring after the machine commissioning -- Wiklacz Justyna; SOLARIS


10:55-11:20  Coffee break


High Intensity Lasers                                         chairs: Wolfgang Clement/ Albert Karcher


11:20-11:45  High-Intensity Laser Interactions with Solid Targets: Hot Electron Spectra and Bremsstrahlung Transmission Factors -- Liu James; SLAC

11:45-12:10  Safety challenges in terawatt laser-matter interaction experiments at the HED instrument at European XFEL -- Ansari Zunaira; XFEL and Boyd Eric; XFEL

12:10-12:35   Current status of the ELI Beamlines facility -- Oslovcova Veronika; ELI

12:35-13:35   Lunch break


Personnel Safety Systems                                    chairs: Jean-Baptiste Pruvost / Anders Rosborg


13:35-14:00  Radiation protection interlock systems at the KIT synchrotron -- Hagelstein Michael; KIT

14:00-14:25   Management of ALBA synchrotron Personal Safety System: maintenance and upgrades -- Devienne Arnaud; ALBA

14:25-14:50   Design of the ThomX PSS –Use of a complete safety PLC system for complex facility -- Horodynski Jean-Michel; CNRS


15:50-15:15   ESS overview

15:15-15:45   Coffee break

16:00-16:45   Tour at ESS

16:45-17:15   Bus transport to central Lund


May 23, Kulturen Museum


Beamlines                                                                 chairs: Paul Berkvens / Ping Yang


08:00-08:25   Beamline shielding design and safety protection at TPS -- Liu Joseph; NSRRC

08:25-08:50    Effect of Magnetic Fields on Bremsstrahlung radiation -- Ansell Stuart; MAX IV

08:50-09:15    Safety Concept of the Sacrificial Absorbers for secondary Beamshutters -- Wefer Anne; DESY

09:15-09:40    Save acquisition of sacrificial absorber temperature at PETRA beamline P61 -- Dressel Michael; DESY

09:40-10:05   Upgrade of the SYRMEP hard X-ray imaging beamline at Elettra: Radiation Protection and Radiation Safety issues -- Tromba Giuliana; ELETTRA


10:05-10:30   Coffee break


Beamlines (cnt’d)                                                 chairs: Giuliana Tromba / Stuart Ansell


10:30-10:55   Characteristics of Laser Compton Scattering photon beams and its application to radiation safety researches -- Asano Yoshihiro; NewSUBARU

10:55-11:20   Radiation safety exercise in Beamline & some learning points -- Faruk Sanjeev; DIAMOND

11:20-11:45    First Experiment on a radioactive spent fuel sample on the MARS beam line at Synchrotron SOLEIL -- Pruvost Jean-Baptiste; SOLEIL


11:45-12:45     Lunch break 


New projects/Upgrades                                         chairs: Sayed Rokni / Joseph Liu


12:45-13:10  Radiation Protection Status of Sirius Project -- Bacchim Fernando; BSLL

13:10-13:35   Radiation Monitoring for the ESRF EBS storage ring -- Berkvens Paul; ESRF

13:35-14:00    Radiation Protection Issues of BESSY VSR -- Ott Klaus; BESSY II

14:00-14:25    SLS 2.0: Upgrade of the Swiss Light Source and radiation safety challenges -- Pedrazzi Lisa; PSI

14:25-14:50   Initial experience for 3.5 GeV Diamond II shielding calculations -- Doull Richard and Faruk Sanjeev; DIAMOND

14:50-15:15   Comparison and Expansion of Semi-Empirical Shielding Formulas with FLUKA Calculations -- Huck Holger; BESSY II


15:15-15:40     Coffee break


Activation / Decommissioning                          chairs: James Liu / Magnus Hörling


15:40-16:05   Investigation for activation of accelerators at various synchrotron radiation facilities in Japan -- Yoshida Go; KEK

16:05-16:30   Risk Considerations of Synchrotron Radiation Facility -- Lee Hee-Seock; PAL

16:30-16:55  Decommissioning of the ESRF storage ring -- Berkvens Paul; ESRF

16:55-17:20   Radiation Protection Instrumentation of bERLinPro -- Pichl Lutz; BESSY II

17:20-17:45   Radiation Safety at FLUTE with Special Emphasis on Activation Issues -- Wesolowski Pawel; KIT

17:45-18:10   Activation Assessment of Fluorescent Lamps at Hard X-ray Main Beam Dump Bunker of PAL-XFEL -- Jung Nam-Suk; PAL


19:00               Dinner at Kulturen Museum 


May 24, Kulturen Museum


Neutron detectors                                                  chairs: Michael Hagelstein / Richard Doull


08:00-08:25   A virtual detector for real-time neutron monitoring at European XFEL located in Hamburg Germany -- Mukherjee Bhaskar; XFEL/DESY

08:25-08:50   Calculation of Correction Factors for Albedo Dosimeters at BESSY II -- Bundels Anne; BESSY II

08:50-09:15   Measurement of the neutron spectra at Taiwan photon source -- Chen Ang-Yu; NSRRC

09:15-09:40   Neutron spectrometry at the ALBA Synchrotron Light Source -- Devienne Arnaud; ALBA

09:40-10:05   Characterization and test of DIAMON: a new, portable, real-time and direction-aware neutron spectrometer system -- Treccani Matteo; RAYLab


10:05-10:20    Coffee break 


Free Electron Lasers                                                chairs: Yoshihiro Asano / Katarina Norén


10:20-10:45   Development of a Safety Related Burn Through Detector for the European XFEL -- Clement Wolfgang; DESY

10:45-11:10   Containment of Bremsstrahlung Photons and X-ray Beams for the LCLS-II Project at SLAC -- Rokni Sayed; SLAC

11:10-11:35   Electron Beam Containment System for LCLS-II -- Bauer Johannes; SLAC

11:35-12:00   Radiation Safety Considerations for the FEL Beams from LCLS-II Normal-Conducting Linac --  Xiao Shanjie; SLAC

12:00-12:25   Radiation safety issues at SwissFEL -- Karcher Albert; PSI


12:25-13:25  Lunch break 


13:25-13:55 Close out


13:55-14:20  Coffee break