2:nd Workshop on the Science Case for Swedish X-ray Lasers
During the last year the work with a science case for Swedish X-ray Lasers has commenced, and approximately 60 proposals have so far been collected from the scientific community. The aim of this workshop is to work with the received contributions from the Swedish community and to create the skeleton for a Swedish science case.
The workshop is arranged in connection with the 26th Annual MAX IV Laboratory User Meeting at Elite Hotel Ideon (Gateway) in Lund on September 23-25. The workshop is scheduled on Monday 23, starting in the morning at 9:00 before the actual start of the User Meeting. We encourage existing contributors, potential additional contributors as well as other interested members of the community to participate.
In addition to the plenary opening and closing sessions, the workshop will be organized in smaller parallel sessions aiming to target different experiments, and we hope that the outcome of the workshop will serve as the embryo for future instrument proposals at a Swedish X-ray Laser. Detailed information about the workshop and an up-to-date program can be found at http://www.llc.lu.se/sxlf/2nd-workshop-on-the-science-case-for-swedish-x-ray-lasers/. Questions about the workshop can be addressed to per.johnsson@fysik.lth.se.
In the registration form for the user meeting you will find a tick-box for this event. Please tick that if you want to attend this workshop during Monday of the user meeting.
Participants who want to join the workshop but do not wish to attend the rest of the user meeting can register via e-mail to per.johnsson@fysik.lth.se.
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Detailed timetable