Sep 25 – 26, 2013
Lund University, Lund
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
CoLuAa is a meeting traditionally organised by the protein crystallography groups in Copenhagen, Lund and Aarhus (hence the name) but it is open to anyone interested. The meeting has been organised annually since 1992 and this year's meeting is the 22nd. CoLuAa is this year organized by the Biochemistry and Structure Biology department at Lund University and the MAX IV Laboratory. The meeting will start around lunch time on Wednesday September 25 and finish with a lunch on Thursday September 26. Note that there is no lunch served on Wednesday.

The meeting lectures will be held in the Palaestra auditorium in central Lund (see map) and the poster exhibition in a hall next to the lecture hall. The dinner on Wednesday evening will be at the Chemical Center (see map).

Note that the workshop The Future of Microfocus Protein Crystallography will take place Tuesday-Wednesday as part of the MAX IV Laboratory's annual user meeting that will be held Monday to Wednesday 23-25 September at Elite Hotel Ideon (See map).

Welcome to CoLuAa 2013!
Salam Al-Karadaghi, Derek Logan, Marjolein Thunnissen, Thomas Ursby

Lund University, Lund
Registration is free at this stage and will remain so, provided sufficient external funding can be raised. If this is not the case, we might contact the group leaders at a later stage to ask for a small contribution per participant towards balancing expenses. Therefore, we ask each participant to indicate the name of their group leader when registering.