May 14 – 15, 2013
Kolle Kolle, Copenhagen
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Participant List

57 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Aloyzas Šiušys IF PAN
Anders Mikkelsen Lund University
Anders Lindbjerg Dahl Technical University of Denmark
Andrew King ESRF / Synchrotron Soleil
Axel Steuwer MAX IV Laboratory
Benjamin Watts PSI
Carsten Gundlach DTU physics
Dag Breiby NTNU
David Eastwood University of Manchester
Diana Thomas MAX IV Laboratory
Diwaker Jha University of Copenhagen
Erik Lauridsen Technical University of Denmark, Dept. of Energy Conversion and Storage
Erika Tudisco LHT
Fredrik Forsberg Luleå University of Technology
Heloisa Bordallo The Niels Bohr Institute
Henning Friis Poulsen DTU
Henrik Birkedal Aarhus University
Jan Luning LCPMR - University Pierre et Marie Curie
Jan Pallon Physics Department
Janusz Kanski Dept. of Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology
Janusz Sadowski MAX-IV laboratory
Jens Wenzel Andreasen DTU Energy Conversion
Jesper Wallentin Lund University, Solid State Physics
Jette Oddershede DTU Physics
Joel Andersson Research and Technology, GKN Aerospace Sweden
karina thånell max iv laboratory
Katarzyna Dymek Lund University
Krystof Turba Lund University, LTH, Division of Materials Engineering
Lars Ilver Teknisk fysik CTH
Marco Stampanoni ETH Zürich and Paul Scherrer Institut
Markus Strobl ESS-AB
Markus Weigand Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Matthias Burza Maxlab
NOOR YUSOF Lund University, Sweden
Olivier Balmes European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Per Isaksson Applied Mechanics, Uppsala university
Per Uvdal Dept. of Chemistry, Lund University
Peter Willendrup DTU Physics
Ragnvald Mathiesen SINTEF Materials and Chemistry
Rajiv Harimoorthy University of Gothenburg
Robert Feidenhansl Niels Bohr Institute
Sebastian Lehmann Solid State physics, Lund University
Shabnam Oghbaie lund University, synchrotron radiation
Srinivasan Iyengar Lund University
Stefan Bengtson Swedish Museum of Natural History
Stefan Eisebitt Lund University
Sten Sturefelt Imaging Resource AB
stephen hall lund university
Sveinn Olafsson Science Institute University of Iceland
Sylvio Haas MAX IV Laboratory
Søren Fæster DTU Vindenergy
Søren Schmidt DTU Physics
Thomas Lechner Chalmers University of Technology
Ulf Johansson MAX IV Laboratory
Ulrich Lienert DESY
Wei Xia Uppsala University
Wolfgang Pantleon DTU Mechanical Engineering