June 20, 2016
The Inauguration of the MAX IV Laboratory: Science day
The synchrotron we built for you
12.00 Lunch baguette
13.00 Welcome and overview
• 10’ Christoph Quitmann - MAX IV, welcome
• 30’ Lenny Rivkin - “An external view on the becoming of MAX IV”
13.40 Learn to know the machine and the staff
• 20’ Mikael Eriksson – The MAX IV saga
• 20’ Sara Thorin – Gun and linac / Shoot, compress, accelerate, present people
• 20’ Pedro Tavares – Storage rings, present people
14.45 Coffee
15.15 Beamlines
• 30’ Yngve Cerenius, Franz Hennies - Beamlines (BPO), people, project
• 15’ Darren Spruce/Vincent Hardion - Integrating the control system with beamlines
16.00 Tours and visits
• ”Open beamlines”: Visits to the beamlines with the beamline scientists and designers
present to discuss and see the capabilities.
• Tours to the machine and building. Meet the
accelerator people.
18.00- Buffet dinner