28–30 Nov 2016
Elite Hotel Ideon Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.

The European Synchrotron Light Source Workshop is the annual occasion for the storage ring community to share the status and the new developments of existing light sources in Europe as well as to report on the progress of new light sources under construction. The 24th such workshop, organized by MAX IV Laboratory, will be held close to the MAX IV site, on the 28 to 30 November. As in previous years the focus will be on storage ring based light sources but the program could also include presentations on short wavelength (VUV, x-ray) free electron lasers. We would particularly welcome presentations and discussions on the new low emittance light sources under consideration. Furthermore, we wish to bring your attention to the 2nd Workshop on Low Emittance Ring Lattice Design, which is organized in close connection to the ESLS meeting.

As is customary, MAX IV will support the accommodation costs, for up to two nights, for two participants from each European light source laboratory. However, more than two participants from each European lab are welcome, at there own accomodation cost.

Contact: Åke Andersson


Elite Hotel Ideon Lund
Scheelevägen 27 223 63 Lund Sweden