Sep 16 – 20, 2024
Skansen, Båstad
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Welcome to the Call for Abstracts for ISSE 2024!

Deadline for abstract submission: 2024-08-30.

Please use the template, which you can find at the end of the "Overview" page.

You can choose to submit for a Poster or be considered for an Oral presentation (with a Poster as back up option, if your contribution is not selected).

Oral Presentations
Presentation time is 15 min talk + 5 min discussion.
You can use either your own laptop or the computer provided by the workshop organizers.
You can check your slides before the session.
In this workshop, we would like to live-stream the presentations to the ISSE members only. This is not hybrid-type sessions but one-way presentations ("webcast").
The oral presenters would be kindly asked to submit your presentation files after your talks.

Poster Presentations
We recommend that the posters be printed in portrait orientation using an A0 standard format (84.1 cm wide x 118.9 cm high).
The poster presenters would be kindly asked to submit pdf files of your posters during/after the workshop.

The call for abstracts is closed.