Monday 2024-09-16 Abstract |
# |
10:00 |
Registration |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
Welcome |
Facility Reports Congress Hall. Chair: Stefan Carlson |
13:40 |
S. Carlson, The MAX IV Facility Report. |
34 |
13:55 |
C. Curfs, Facility Report from ESS |
55 |
14:10 |
G. Lynn, Sample Environment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor. [Zoom] |
98 |
14:25 |
K. Kiefer, Sample Environment at HZB. |
31 |
14:40 |
Coffee/Tea Linnea/Svea |
15:10 |
M. Bartkowiak, Facility News from PSI. |
32 |
15:25 |
M. Watanabe, Sample Environment at the MLF J-PARC |
69 |
15:40 |
M. Suarez Anzorena, TUM SE@MLZ: What's the News? |
57 |
15:55 |
A. Weber, Highlights and newcomers at the MLZ. |
58 |
16:10 |
Y. Hernandez, NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) Updates! [Zoom] |
89 |
16:25 |
C. Brown, NIST Center for High-Resolution Neutron Scattering through the shutdown. |
90 |
16:40 | Y. Watier, 4 Years After Major ESRF-EBS Upgrade, A View on the ESRF Evolution and the Role of its Sample Environment Unit. | 97 |
16:55 |
C. Deiter, Sample Environment and Characterization at the European XFEL |
99 |
17:10 |
Poster session Linnea/Svea |
19:00 |
Dinner |
Tuesday 2024-09-17 |
Facility Reports cont. Congress Hall. Chair: Stefan Carlson |
09:00 |
M. Dudman, ISIS Sample Environment Design Section Overview. |
87 |
09:15 |
H. Hu, The Latest Status of Sample Environment at CSNS |
21 |
09:30 |
K. Kaneko, Updates From JRR-3 Following the Restart. |
93 |
09:45 |
T. D’Adam, Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering: Facility and Progress Report. |
92 |
10:00 |
Coffee/Tea Linnea/Svea |
Humidity, Chemistry & Soft Matter Congress Hall. Chair: Alice Corani |
10:30 |
J. Gonthier, A versatile humidity generator. |
20 |
10:50 |
L. Heroux, Size-Exclusion Chromatography and Small Angle Neutron Scattering at ORNL. |
38 |
11:10 |
A. Male, Time Resolved On Demand Serial Crystallography for Use at Synchrotron and XFEL Facilities. |
42 |
11:30 |
J. Leao, Approaches in Relative Humidity for Neutron/X-ray Reflectometry and Liquid Pressures for SANS. |
43 |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:30 |
X. Wang, The Development of ISIS Humidity Cell. |
68 |
13:50 |
A. Corani, ESS Sample Environment for Electrochemistry. |
71 |
14:10 |
A. Church, Soft Matter Sample Environment for Neutron Scattering Experiments at ISIS Facility. |
73 |
14:30 |
Coffee/Tea Linnea/Svea |
Stress, Strain, High Pressure & High Temperature Congress Hall. Chair: Caroline Curfs |
15:00 |
G. Simutis, Uniaxial Pressure for Neutrons and X-rays. |
22 |
15:20 |
C. Goodway, High pressure, High Temperature and Gas Handling Developments at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility. |
62 |
15:40 |
L. Wang, New Laser Furnace for the Stress-Spec Instrument. |
18 |
16:00 |
D. Quirinale, High Temperature Capabilities and the Development of the Levitation Program at ORNL’s Neutron Sources. [Zoom] |
24 |
16:20 |
P. Radyjowski, Rapid Cooling Technology for Neutron Vacuum Furnaces. |
88 |
16:40 |
Leg stretch |
17:00 |
Board meeting Congress Hall. Chair: Gary Lynn |
19:00 |
Dinner |
Wednesday 2024-09-18 |
Controls & Integration Congress Hall. Chair: Klaus kiefer |
09:00 |
M. Zolliker, The Sample Environment Communication Protocol (SECoP). |
85 |
09:20 |
K. Kiefer, Sample Environment Metadata – Procedures and Best Practices in SECoP |
66 |
09:40 |
K. Kiefer, SECoP Live Demonstration: A Practical Look at the SECoP Shall Library and The SECoP to Ophyd/BLuesky Integration. |
65 |
10:00 |
Coffee/Tea Linnea/Svea |
10:30 |
P. Braun, HZB [Zoom] M. Zolliker, Demonstration of the Implementation of a Simple Example Device into SECoP Using the Frappy Framework. |
86 |
10:50 |
A. Zaft, ECS Integration of SECoP at the MLZ. |
81 |
11:20 |
D. Wallacher, The Path to fully Automised and Standardised Complex Operando Experiments - The ROCK-IT Project. |
59 |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:30 | Optional: SECoP extra presentation/discussion Congress Hall | |
13:30 |
Explore Båstad |
19:00 |
Banquet Congress Hall Dinner speech by Michael Meissner. |
Thursday 2024-09-19 |
Vacuum, Cryogenics & Magnets Congress Hall. Chair: Alexander Holmes |
09:00 |
Y. Vekhov, Brand New Helium Recovery and Liquefaction System for the NIST Center for Neutron Research. |
17 |
09:20 |
S. Gladchenko, Cryogenic Goniometers at NCNR, NIST. |
19 |
09:40 |
R. Down, “Wet or Dry” that’s the question. |
83 |
10:00 |
Group photo in front of Linnea/Svea. Coffee/Tea Linnea/Svea |
10:50 |
O. Kirichek, Can a Tiny Droplet of Quantum Fluid Stop Up-Hill Flowing Liquid and How is it Related to Sample Environment? |
36 |
11:20 |
K. Nasyedkin, Low Temperature Sample Environment Capabilities at HFIR: Developments and Upgrades. |
40 |
11:40 |
R. Visznichenko, Design Considerations of Split Pair Magnets for Neutron Scattering Application. |
35 |
12:00 |
Lunch |
13:30 | T. Sherline, Current State of the Art in the Low Temperature and Magnets Groups at the SNS. | 53 |
SE Techniques Congress Hall. Chair: Artur Domingues |
13:50 |
A. Domingues, 3D Printed Plastics for High and Ultra-High-Vacuum (UHV): A Feasibility Study. |
96 |
14:10 |
E. Leliévre-Berna, A Fully Modernised Instrument Suite with New Sample Environment Capabilities. |
30 |
14:30 |
S. Ehab, Automated Sample Handling for Enhanced Remote Access in Operando Catalysis Experiments at Synchrotron Beamlines |
46 |
15:00 |
Coffee/Tea Room: Linnea/Svea |
15:30 | J. Nutter, How Variety of Work Coupled with Specialist Knowledge Strengthens the ISIS Electrical & Electronic User Support Group | 61 |
15:50 |
L. Heroux, Sample Environment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor |
16:05 |
Plenary talk Congress Hall. Chair: Stefan Carlson Oleg Kirichek, A little bit of ISIS Sample Environment history and its current status. |
17:05 |
General Assembly
19:00 |
Dinner |
Friday 2024-09-20 |
08:30 |
Bus transfer from hotel to MAX IV and ESS. Bus no. 1 to the ESS. Bus no. 2 to MAX IV. |
10:00 |
Tour 1 at MAX IV and ESS |
11:00 |
Bus transfer between MAX IV and ESS. Bus no 1 to MAX IV. Bus no. 2 to ESS |
11:30 |
Tour 2 at MAX IV and ESS |
12:30 |
Bus transfer from MAX IV to ESS. Bus no 1 to ESS. |
13:00 |
Lunch at ESS |
14:30 |
Buss transfer from ESS to Lund Central Station |
Passenger lists for the busses to ESS and MAX IV.
Due to the large number of participants, we will be divided into two groups. One group will be transferred to MAX IV and the other group to ESS for Tour 1. The busses will be used to exchange the groups at the two facilities for Tour 2.
For safety reasons, participants are only allowed to enter the ESS by our busses and must leave the ESS by the same busses. Participants' luggage will be stored in the busses during the tours. After lunch the busses will bring all participants from the ESS to the Lund Central Station (estimated arrival, 15:00). The busses will not return to the hotel in Båstad.
Participant traveling by car may join at MAX IV. They will still need to go by our busses for the tour of ESS but can be dropped of by MAX IV when the busses go to Lund Central Station.