Mar 9 – 11, 2016
Ideon, Lund, Sweden
Europe/Stockholm timezone



The registration fee is 2250 SEK (including 25% VAT) (including admission, course material, lunches and coffee breaks as well as the MAX IV visit and dinner on Thursday March 10th).

Participants are expected to book and pay their own accommodation and travel expenses.

The registration fee is due February 15th 2016.

Please use pre-payment using Visa or Mastercard at Lund University online payment (click here).

Payment instructions:

  • On the "Event" line select "MAX IV"
  • In "Amount" type 2250
  • In the "Remittance information" box type "RD9 March 2016 YOUR NAME"

NOTE: No visa support letters will be issued until payment of the registration fee is confirmed.