September 29, 2014 to October 1, 2014
UTC timezone


Please cite "UM14" plus you name and affiliation (and registration ID) as a message when making the payment.

There are two ways to make a payment:

1) Prepayment by Master Card or Visa using Lund University online payment no later than 12 September. If you pay later it will incur an additional cost of 200 SEK.

Use the following payment details:
Regular participants: MAX-UM14,
Exhibitors: MAX-UMEX 2014
Participants: 1600 SEK + 400 SEK for the banquet,
Exhibitors: 3500 SEK + 400 SEK for the banquet,
Students: 500 SEK + 200 SEK for the banquet if not accepted for the student grant.

Swedish companies add 25 % VAT.
Remittance information: e.g. UM14
Other information: Additional information needed by your company’s financial department.

2) Invoice
If you have not used the option above you will receive an invoice after the conference. This will incur an additional charge of SEK 200.

Please note that we prefer option 1.

Inom Lunds universitet: betala genom intern kreditfaktura i Orfi till kst. 839530.