September 29, 2014 to October 1, 2014
UTC timezone


The exhibition area is Stora salen (the Great Hall) of AF-borgen.
Stora salen can accommodate 18 to 20 exhibition tables.  The exhibition slots will be distributed on a first come, first served basis with regard to the registration.
The time available for the commercial exhibition is limited this year. The premises are needed for the conference dinner on Tuesday evening. Exhibitions can be set up from 9 a.m. on Monday morning and remain until 3 p.m. on Tuesday afternoon.

During the conference, lunches and coffee are served either in Stora salen or in the adjoining foyer.
On Monday evening, a poster session will take place in the rooms surrounding Stora salen. Stora salen is where refreshments will be served.
Each exhibitor will have access to one exhibition table (120x60cm).

Exhibition material sent in advance should be addressed to:
Sandgatan 2
SE-223 50 Lund
Mark the goods: MAX IV Laboratory/UM14
The goods reception opens at 9 a.m. in the morning and the earliest day for delivery of goods is Wednesday, 24 September.
Due to the size of the elevators, exhibition goods must fit on a standard EUR-pallet (120x80 cm) or be carried up the stairs.
If you bring your exhibition material by car, use the front entrance for loading/unloading.
For parking, see e.g. the university parking site.

Registration is closed.
For questions please contact Stefan Wiklund at

Participating companies
Carl Zeiss Laser Optics GmbH
Low2High Vacuum
Toyama Co., Ltd.
Advanced Vacuum
FMB Berlin and Oxford

SPECS Surface Nano Analysis GmbH
VG Scienta
VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH

Hiden Analytical Ltd.
Gammadata Instrument AB
Excillum AB
Kurt J Lesker Co
Proxitron AB

Sumitomo Cryogenics of Europe Limited
Huber Diffraktionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Agilent Technologies Vacuum Products Division
Strumenti Scientifici Cinel srl
Nanor AB

Fees and payment information
The exhibition fee is 3500 SEK per company (≤3 persons). Lunches on Monday and Tuesday are included.
Participation at the banquet on Tuesday evening is 400 SEK per person. Swedish companies add 25% VAT. 
There are two ways to make a payment:

1) Prepayment by Master Card or Visa using Lund University online payment.

Use the following payment details:
Event: MAX-UMEX 2014
Amount: 3500 SEK (+400 SEK per person at banquet) Swedish companies add 25 % VAT.
Remittance information: E.g. UM14
Other information: Additional information needed by your company’s financial department.

2) Invoice
If you have not used the option above you will receive an invoice after the conference. This will incur an additional charge of 200 SEK.

Please note that we prefer option no 1.

Contacts at AF-borgen (goods delivery etc.)

Heléne Henriksson: +46-(0)46-38 49 05

Edil: +46-(0)46-38 49 04