Jun 25 – 27, 2018
Stockholm, Alba Nova
Europe/Stockholm timezone

[L] Electronic and geometry views of molecules

Jun 26, 2018, 3:30 PM
Oskar Klein Auditorium (Stockholm, Alba Nova)

Oskar Klein Auditorium

Stockholm, Alba Nova

Stockholm University
Invited oral (Laser) Chemistry


Markus Gühr (Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Potsdam)


The results were taken by the SLAC UED collaboration and LCLS Nucleobase collaboration (see author lists of publications below).
In this talk, I will present molecular dynamics obtained by diffraction of relativistic electrons exemplified on the rotational and vibrational modes of small model systems [1,2]. The results have been obtained at a new femtosecond ultrafast electron diffraction source at SLAC. I will point out electron-specific advantages in diffraction of small molecules and discuss future applications on larger molecular systems. In addition, I will present site specific electronic probing of molecular dynamics accomplished by soft x-ray pulses at the oxygen K-edge. We used this scheme to unequivocally observe a molecular intersystem crossing from a ππ state to a nπ state [3]. Combinations of the two techniques for a more complete dynamical description will be discussed.

[1] J. Yang, M. Guehr, T. Vecchione, M. S. Robinson, R. Li, N. Hartmann, X. Shen, R. Coffee, J. Corbett, A. Fry, K. Gaffney, T. Gorkhover, C. Hast, K. Jobe, I. Makasyuk, A. Reid, J. S. Robinson2, S. Vetter, F. Wang, S. Weathersby, C. Yoneda, M. Centurion, X. Wang, Nature Comm. 7, 11232 (2016)
[2] J. Yang, M. Guehr, X. Shen, R. Li, T. Vecchione, R. Coffee, J. Corbett, A. Fry, N. Hartmann, C. Hast, K. Hegazy, K. Jobe, I. Makasyuk, J. Robinson, M. S. Robinson, S. Vetter, S. Weathersby, C. Yoneda, X. Wang, M. Centurion, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 173002 (2016)
[3] T. J. A. Wolf, R. H. Myhre, J. P. Cryan, S. Coriani, R. J. Squibb, A. Battistoni, N. Berrah, C. Bostedt, P. Bucksbaum, G. Coslovich, R. Feifel, K. J. Gaffney, J. Grilj, T. J. Martinez, S. Miyabe, S. P. Moeller, M. Mucke, A. Natan, R. Obaid, T. Osipov, O. Plekan, S. Wang, H. Koch and M. Gühr, Nature Communications 8, 29 (2017)

Primary author

Markus Gühr (Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Potsdam)

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