Jun 25 – 27, 2018
Stockholm, Alba Nova
Europe/Stockholm timezone

EUCALL student grants

The European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources (EUCALL) provides Travel Bursaries for up to 20 young researchers to attend the conference. Selected candidates can receive up to 500 € to cover travel and accommodation costs. Please, note that candidate’s own institution is expected to cover the conference registration costs.

Eligible are all science graduate students or recent PhDs (doctorate granted after 1 January 2014).

Please, apply for a Travel Bursary to attend the "Science@FELs Conference 2018" at the following link:


The deadline for applications is 31.05.2018

Up to 20 successful candidates will be selected by EUCALL’s Steering Committee and will be notified during May 2018. Please note that one criterion for eligibility is that the application to the Conference is approved.