Conference chairs:
Professor Mats Larsson, Stockholm and Professor Sverker Werin, Lund
Contacts: ml(at) and sverker.werin(at)
Scientific chairs:
Professor Anders Nilsson, Stockholm and Dr. Per Johnsson, Lund
Local organizer:
Dr. Nicusor Timneanu, Uppsala
Scientific Committee:
- Robert Feidenhans'l, XFEL
- Claudio Masciovecchio, FERMI
- Luc Patthey, SwissFEL
- Ian Robinson, UCL & BNL
- Ilme Schlichting, MPIMF
- Robert Schoenlein, LCLS
- Kiyoshi Ueda, Tohoku University
- Marc Vrakking, MBI
- Wilfried Wurth, FLASH
The conference is organized by:
- The Stockholm-Uppsala FEL center
- The MAX IV Laboratory
- Stockholm University
- Lund Laser Centre
- Lund University
- Laserlab-Europe
The conference is an activity within the FELs of Europe.