25–27 Jun 2018
Stockholm, Alba Nova
Europe/Stockholm timezone
The theme 'nicecompact' does not exist.

(Bengt Oberger)




When in Stockholm getting to the conference:

  • Adress: Roslagstullsbacken 21 (map)
  • Local transport: SL-Stockholms Lokaltrafik
  • Metro/Tunnelbana: RED(RÖD) line, 14, towards MÖRBY CENTRUM to station TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN (exit via stairs at the head of the train coming from central Stockholm) + 10 min walk.
  • Bus 61 towards RUDDAMMEN (=end-station at Alba Nova). The bus passes metro station ODENPLAN and TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN.

The International Science@FELs Conference, organized by the Department of Physics, Stockholm University together with SUFEL (Stockholm-Uppsala Centre for Free Electron Laser Research), the MAX IV Laboratory and the Lund Laser Centre, will take place June 25-27, 2018, at the Alba Nova center in Stockholm, Sweden. This will be the fourth conference in the Science@FELs series, following those in Trieste in 2016, at the Paul Scherrer Institute in 2014, and at DESY in 2012. Science@FELs is now organized as a regular, biannual activity of the Collaboration of European FEL and SPS Facilities (FELs OF EUROPE). Just like in Trieste, Laserlab-Europe will take part in the organization of the Science@FELs conference in order to stimulate collaboration between the two communities.

Science@FELs 2018 will focus on the scientific highlights achieved during the last years at FELs and laser facilities world-wide.

The list of Invited Speakers is available and detailed information on Scientific program will appear in due time.

Overview of the agenda:

  • 24/6 Sunday evening - welcome reception
  • 25/6 Monday
    9.00 conference start
    Late afternoon - poster session
    Evening - Reception
  • 26/6 Tuesday evening Conference dinner
  • 27/6 Wednesday 16.00 end of conference

Satellite meeting

The conference is sponsored by:

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences through its Nobel Institutes for Chemistry and Physics

AIP Publishing, in the name of Structural Dynamics
The Swedish Research Council  


Stockholm, Alba Nova
Oskar Klein Auditorium
Stockholm University