Due to maintenance tasks the service will be down intermittently on Monday, Oct 21, 2024 between 13:00-15:00.
25-27 October 2021
Scandic Star Hotel, Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

We are now accepting abstract only from invited speakers.

Please use the abstract template also provided at the very end of the "How to get involved in the User Meeting" page. You can upload it as a pdf file under "Attachments" in "Submit new Abstract".

The open abstract submission closed on 3rd September.
The contributions are now being reviewed by the sessions organisers.
The submitting authors will all be informed, the latest, by the begging of October.
Thank you all for your contributions to the 33rd MAX IV User meeting -MAX IV in Focus -

Information complementary to the submitted abstract
Please help us to get a structured overview by, in addition to submitting your abstract, selecting below beamlines and strategy areas of relevance for your research.
If you like please share as well a statement on the impact of your research area.
For more details you can have look to the page About the 2021 MAX IV User Meeting.

Read more under "submission instructions" and pay attention to the captions and description of each "single choice" and "free text area" fields.

The call for abstracts is closed.