Oct 25 – 27, 2021
Scandic Star Hotel, Lund
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Tips and forms for the students awards competitions

Here are few tips in connection to the material we kindly ask you to upload to participate on the annual MAX IV user meeting.


MAX IV Students Science 2021


Create and record a 60 seconds presentation of your research/poster. Here are some options to record yourselves while giving your presentation in PowerPoint.

PC: a clear cut example with an option to select audio and video in your presentation for recording yourself + slides. View the Microsoft 365 for Windows tab.

Mac: a workaround using QuickTime player that combines the options of ‘Movie recording’ (video, yourself) + ‘Screen recording’ (slides). Be sure to enable the device audio/internal microphone before recording.

Note: PowerPoint for Mac does not appear to have the same video option as PC.


Convert your poster to PDF format.
A PDF file size under 5MB would work.

Pay attention to the images/pictures or graphs resolution. The suggested minimum resolution is 300 dpi. To check that they appear correctly zoom in at 100%. It is better to use high quality images/graphs when creating the poster and the convert it to PDF (as PDF can be compressed).


Graphical abstract

Your graphical abstract  would be a personalized and content specific visualization of your research. The image will be used as icon to link to your material from the User meeting web page.

Here you can find some recommendations to consider in order to make a good graphical abstract, take them as guidelines:

  1. Sum up the main outcome/idea of your research in a simple form
  2. Know your target audience
  3. Take tips from good graphical abstract examples
  4. Start with a sketch to know the important elements of your message
  5. Follow the guidelines of your target journal (any will work for this user meeting)
  6. Make it appealing and effective with the use of colors and imagery
  7. Select an appropriate platform to create your graphics
  8. Use key phrases or keywords
  9. Keep the design crisp and easy to understand
  10. Be mindful of the image quality in terms of pixels

(https://www.enago.com/academy/graphical-abstracts-is-the-new-art-trend-going-to-catch-up/) (https://chiemelavic.wordpress.com/tag/tips-on-graphical-abstracts/)


MAX IV PhD Thesis Award 2021

The nomination form template can be found and downloaded from the "How to get involved in the User Meeting" section on the left-hand menu.