Jun 25 – 27, 2018
Stockholm, Alba Nova
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Mega-Electronvolt Ultrafast Electron Diffraction at SLAC

Jun 25, 2018, 5:00 PM
Board: 67
Contributed poster Poster session


Dr Matthew Robinson (Universität Potsdam)


Electron diffraction has been a staple technique for determining the structure of countless molecules for nearly a century [1]. However, it has only been in the last couple of decades that we have been able to use this technique to obtain time-resolved images of molecules undergoing light-induced chemical processes. Whilst numerous ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) experiments have been carried out [2-4], the experiments carried out at the ASTA Facility at SLAC are at the forefront of this technique [5].
In this poster we will discuss the results from several of the SLAC UED initiative experiments, including:
- The laser-induced rotational wavepacket of N2 – the first UED experiment to simultaneously obtain sub-500 femtosecond time-resolution and sub-Ångstrom spatial resolution [6].
- The observation of the laser-induced vibrational wavepacket of I2 [7].
- The recent investigation into the ring-opening process of Stilbene Oxide.

  1. Davisson, C., & Germer, L. 1927. Nature, 119, 558–560, 1927
  2. Yang, J., et al.., Struct. Dyn., 1, 044101, 2014.
  3. Gao, M., et al., Nature, 496, 343–346, 2013.
  4. Park, S. T., et al., J. Chem. Phys., 124, 174707, 2006.
  5. S. P. Weathersby, et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum., 86, 073702, 2015
  6. Yang, J., et al., Nature Communications, 7, 11232, 2016.
  7. Yang, J., et al., Physical Review Letters, 117, 153002, 2016

Primary authors

Dr Jie Yang (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Thomas Wolf (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Matthew Robinson (Universität Potsdam) Dr Theodore Vecchione (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Pedro Nunes (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Dr Xijie Wang (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Martin Centurion (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Dr Markus Gühr (Universität Potsdam)


Dr Renkai Li (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Nick Hartmann (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Xiaozhe Shen (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Ryan Coffee (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Jeff Corbett (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Alan Fry (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Kelly Gaffney (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Tais Gorkhover (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Karsten Hast (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Keith Jobe (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Igor Makasyuk (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Alexander Reid (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Joseph Robinson (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Sharon Vetter (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Fenglin Wang (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Stephen Weathersby (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Charles Yoneda (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr James Cryan (SLAC National Laboratory) Mr Kyle Wilkin (SLAC National Laboratory) Dr Qiang Zehng (SLAC National Laboratory)

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